
Category: Uncategorized

Who should track Oracle licensing changes?

Who is responsible for tracking Oracle licensing? Whose job is it to notify organizations about these changes? Eliot Arlo Colon, President of Miro Consulting, discusses the tracking of Oracle license changes.

Enterprise IT is from Venus; software vendors are from Mars

To quote Jonathan Feldman of InformationWeek: “Enterprise IT is from Venus; software vendors are from Mars.” This statement should be funny, but unfortunately it’s all to true to be laughable. Jonathan recently wrote a great piece about how licensing changes happen without notice and often without making much sense. Microsoft and VMWare are the vendors in particular called out in this instance, both with bad track records for making confusing and frequent changes to their licensing. He makes some interesting […]

Risk Monitoring Growing Concern for CIOs

There are a large number of types of GRC software, with most of them focusing on one area of GRC. For a CIO, one of the biggest concerns over the past few years has been the growing number of compliance mandates. GRC tools that focus on the compliance part of GRC have turned out to be useful for many CISOs. CISOs have been able to take advantage of the structured enterprise -wide approach to regulatory compliance that’s made possible by […]

Using Oracle Database Firewall

We’re all familiar with network firewalls, which prevent unauthorized access to your network from external sources. However, network firewalls don’t protect your databases from malicious attacks, which sometimes come disguised as privileged internal users. Web applications are a major source of data attacks, through stratagems such as SQL Injection, for example. Oracle’s Database Firewall (a product Oracle gained through its acquisition of Secerno, a British firm, in 2010) offers a solid defensive perimeter to monitor and enforce accepted behavior on […]

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