Category: Oracle ULA

The Oracle License Review: Because Licensing Is Complicated

We often say that Oracle’s software licensing rules are complex and nuanced. But even our description doesn’t quite do justice to the rules. They are extremely complicated and subject to frequent changes based on both technical and non-technical developments. For this reason alone, we recommend conducting an Oracle license review from time to time. As Oracle licensing experts, we can assist you in this endeavor. We make it our business to stay abreast of any and all changes in Oracle […]

ULA and Proprietary Hosting

Many organizations are at risk of failing an audit and violating their ULA with Oracle by engaging in “Proprietary Hosting” without realizing it. What is Proprietary Hosting? Proprietary Hosting is basically when an organization has a application, like a web application, that uses an Oracle database as a back end, and the application allows users who are not employees of the company to access the data, like employees of other companies, customers or prospects. As per Oracle’s definition 3 major […]

Oracle Introduces Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Support Credit Rewards

Oracle has announced that its clients will get a 25% to 33% discount on support fees for using Oracle Cloud Larry Ellison announced the Oracle Support Rewards program for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure clients.  For every dollar that clients spend on OCI, they receive a 25 cent or 33 cent credit towards their On-Premise support costs. The 33% discount is for ULA customers The 25% discount is for most other customers For example, if an organization spends $100,000 on Oracle Cloud Credits, […]

Modern Policies Supersede Legacy Software Contract Terms

Modern Policies Supersede Legacy Software Contract Terms Server Metric Just because a legacy contract doesn’t include rules on virtualization or multi-core processors, it doesn’t mean the organization can simply ignore the vendor’s current policies on those subjects.  When virtualization technologies were developed, software vendors changed the way servers were licensed.  When a server had a single processor and core, the entire server was licensed as a Server metric. With the introduction of hardware with multiple processors and then multi-core processors, […]

Top 5 Questions When Considering an Oracle ULA

1. How well do I understand my organization’s environment? The first step in considering an Oracle ULA is knowing what is currently owned by your organization, as well as what may be changed in the next three to four years. This knowledge builds the foundation for considering an Oracle ULA, and alternative license engagements.   2. How well does my IT department communicate its uses and needs? While a ULA may attempt to be an “all-you-can-eat” agreement, Oracle ULAs require […]

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